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archived projects

older projects of interest

Proposed transit oriented development. RTD Station at Wadsworth Blvd & 13th Ave, Lakewood Colorado.

With the finalization of RTD's light rail west corridor route along 13th Ave. DAS and Winston Associates created another demonstration of the type of transit oriented development (TOD) to expect in the city of Lakewood at the site of the planned station at 13th Ave. and Wadsworth Blvd. This was another "pie-in-the-sky" style animation at the time in 2005 with proposed buildings and even the station design done by my colleague Chase Mullen at Winston. I provided replicas of the existing environment into which Chase's models were inserted along with set dressing, animations and renderings to bring the scene to life. In 2005 this was still a large area to cover wth detail and render.

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